domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

"La república"

La republica is my life. I couldn't believe that some day I would say it. La republica is a group of friends with differents ideas and behaviours but with one common point: we love talk about politics. Far from the first idea, piece by piece La republica has become important for me. We are: Guillem Mancilla "the comunist". Costa " capitalist" Sebas " the anarchist" Simon "the nazi" Aleix "Krauso(nobody knows exactly what Krauso is)" Guillermo "The monarchist" and Pablo "the masclist". We discuss different things like how could we do the world a better place, what would we change, if we pass or we fail some laws. In fact, things that I was interested in explain to someone, but I couldn't find people to discuss about. Also, we have lunch in differents places, things that I really enjoy when we do. But the most important things is that whatever we do, we do together, without problems, arguments.
And overall, great persons.

1 comentario:

  1. jajaja Sure, Simon is not nazi, he is the real capitalist like Costa, but Simon is the swiss capitalist, and Costa is the American capitalist.

    La Republica is a great group where we can express our feelings about society, and we enjoy a lot when we go out ;)
