I met her 4 years ago. At first time, we didn't have good relation for some problems. During the years, we have had times what we were good and times what we were bad and I didn't give some importance. As a result, we didn't talk much but know, I think she's one of the most important people in my life. She's a nice person ,so beautiful and so lovely peron. I don't see her much, but I always talk to her, and we meet when we're in parties. She always hears me when I have problems and she always want to help me. Now, she's studying in Figueres, Ies Alexandre Deulofeu, with some of my friends because she's studying artistic batxillerat. In my life, some people are very importants for me and she's one of them. I hope she will have a nice life and her life never be sad because she deserves it.
Thanks Marta for be how you are :)

Thank you Aleeix! You're very important for me :)