Self evaluation:
I think I was very nervious and my pronuntiation wasn't very clear. I moved a lot and sometimes, I didn't remember word I was to say. Probably this thing has passed because I didn't prepare so much. As it's a skind I like, I could prepare more my oral presentation. The verbal tenses I've used, some wasn't correct sometimes, I didn't know what I had to said. In fact, I think there are some people who had worked more the presentation than me. And in the video I can watch this. I didn't see public, and always I saw the camera.
I spoke very weak and I think I could be better. I'm happy with this presentation, but I'll have to work much in my oral presentation and improve my own pronuntiation.
Hello, my name is Aleix and today I'm going to talk about baskeball. I had played football and tennis but I prefered basketball because it's more funny, but I d0n't know which I wanted to play because when you're young you don't know what you like. My friends didn't like basketball and I wanted to try to play. I started to play in esplais until I was eleven because I felt tired to play. I decided to play tennis during one year. I play in C.B Castelló, it's different team of Esplais,
because there was lots of problems and the fathers decided to create a new club. Last year was the best year for me because I was the oldest player in the team and I felt important in the team. Now I think this year can be normally because I'm the youngest player, but I feel that I can do something for the team and when I was twelve I played with players who were 2 or 3 years more than me. I didn't play so much and this experience was very important for me because I worked hard and was important to incress my knowledge. Anyway, my favourite player is leBron James, because I think althought is young, he will can help all teams that he'll plays. I've had more favourite players such as Dwayne Wade, Dirk Nowitsky, Chris Bosh. I decided who was my favourite player depending of my position in basketball.
I've seen Madison Square Center, in the middle of New York, Palau Blaugrana near Camp Nou ground, also it was enormeous. I saw Regal Barça against Valladolid and Barça won. I think barça have a very good team. And now, I'm going to show you one video about leBron James. This incredible video about leBron, he squared sixteen points in two minutes against Atlanta Hawks.
Differences between NBA and ACB:
In NBA there is espectacular basket, some players of NBA are really brilliant but ACB is more real basketball. No much dribblings, no much "pick and roll" and less matches and NBA move much money. And it's OK.
Any questions?
(the questions hasn't been recorded and I've can't include.