domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Don't worry, be happy.

Sometimes we get stressed and we can't think clearly. It means that there is something wrong inside our brain as neurotransmissors aren't working well at this moment and you need to take a break. Specialists now are trying to find out how the brain workd and what causes some of the most populars neurodegeneratives diseaes. Actually we know what every part of our brain does but we don't know the reason why it happens.

Some specialists are making an effort to look for this solution because they think that it would help them to understand how we are abd why we are.It could also help by looking for the regeneration of neurons, and neurotransmitors.

It can give society a ray of hope because if you have a relative who has a degenerative disease, it can help him and also to make people more intelligent, to understand feelings and emotions, but above all, to help people

Febrary 2011 Catalonia Today

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