Jose Mourinho is probably the most media celebrity coach in the Liga. All of his interviews, some word that he say is about Barça. He and CR7 are always the polemic center. He say that he's going to talk about FCB only when Madrid will plays against FCB, but isn't true.He prefers take all presion about him and not for his players. In the opposite site, there is Guardiola. Yesterday, Mourinho started to talk wrong about Pedro León when on the press conference one periodist asked him about what happened because Pedro León didn't travel to Auxerre? Their answer was be: Nothing. You just asked me about Pedro León and if Benzema will play, but you haven't asked me about other players that they are going to play tomorrow. Anyway, this season, we will have Mourinho for along time.
and the video with the interview of Mourinho about Pedro Leon( it's in spanish)you can find in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxyD5fGh10w